Easier Said Than Done

Fasting month is almost over. We are now one week away for Hari Raya Celebration. Can't wait since my last Raya with my family was three years ago. So, I kinda excited and looking forward to this upcoming Raya.

By the way, how was your fasting month so far? I'm sure it’s been great, with all that Bazaar Ramadhan, Solat Tarawih and also because of the excitement towards preparation on Raya. Whatever it is, I just want to ask this simple question. I know its kinda late and irrelevant at this point of time to ask this but do you know the RIGHT and CORRECT way on how to fast? Are you sure that you got the pahala for your efforts in fasting, the third pillars of Islam, which is fasting on the month of Ramadhan?

Fasting as you all know, in simple words, it’s about to hinder yourself eating and drinking from dawn till dusk with intentions (niat). However in detail, "to a Muslim, Ramadhan fasting is not just refraining from eating and drinking but carries the added significance of worship, psychological comfort, morality and legislation. It is neither the irrational motionless 'Imsak' of pre-Islamic Arabs nor the mere abstaining from eating and drinking, but is, in fact, the building of one's character, control over desires, and an inspiration towards social and scientific creativity"(taken from here). To elaborate, fasting is not as simple as it seems, it's much more than we could imagine;

1. It's about stop eating and drinking
This is the basic idea of fasting. The idea is to let you learn the hardships faced by poor, mishap or unlucky people, where they can't eat as they pleased.

2. It's about controlling your vision
What this means is that you have to control your eyes from seeing such improper "views". It's about restrain yourself from watching something, which is not beneficial to you and wasting your time.
~For guys...stop looking at sexy girls, 'aurah' of a girl :)~

3. It's about listening to good vibes
In Ramadhan fasting month, we are encourage to read Quran, which I believe all of you know the benefits of reading them. Indirectly, you will listen to the intonations of your voice with such a great writings of Quran. Even though you don't read Quran, at least you listen to others reading the Quran. Alternatively, you could just listen to people or Ustaz giving a tazkirah in mosques.

4. It's about restricting your moves
Another bonus criteria that you could get in fasting month is when you could restrain yourself from doing improper or inappropriate actions with your physical capabilities. For example, don't you ever hit people with your hands or kick others with your legs. In short, no act of bully in Ramadhan. In fact, don't ever bully other people at all times. It's bad, you know.

5. Lastly, it's about thinking before you speak

Words is like a blade. It could slash you with a single word. So, think before you say a word, because sometimes, a word could make them uncomfortable. Therefore, in this holy month, stop gossiping and stop talking bad things about others. How do you feel when others do the same to you?

Hopefully, by now, some of you have realized the true meaning of fasting and gain as much as possible from this information.
syaftome ~ I share because I care

4 de' tour comments:

hani apandi said...

mek komen kelaka melayu k..hehe..

boleh sik raya ya macam posa?
oh GOD, mk rindu ramadhan..
rindu teraweh, bazar ramadhan, sahor, sungkei..

nway, salam aidilfitri..maaf zahir & batin..:)

syaftome said...

hahaha...kelaka jak melayu swk sia...
kmk x kesah...

btw...raya nei ada sama mcm posa...
melainkan ktk posa sepanjang bulan raya selain dr 1 hb syawal...hehe...
mun rindu glak ngan ramadhan...
spend bnyk masa ngan nya...
seblom nya berangkat ke tahun depan...hehe...

selamat hari raya...
mun ada masa...dtg rumah kelak...

p.s: oh ya...lupak tek...camnei ktk mok dtg rumah...kmk keja time ya...hahaha...

hani apandi said...

lucu, berapa gik nak abis posa tok..
bagus idea tak, mk nak dating ngan nya lok.
lamak sik jumpa pastok..
setahun baruk temu balik
gonna miss ramadhan..

p/s: cne rumah ktk ya? keja indah giknya..ne gaya tok..haha

syaftome said...

yalah ya...
a lot of people will mis him for sure...
coz he can't give you flower, he'll give you tarawih...every night...
he can't have lunch with you, but you'll get a delightful dinner...
he can't give you a surprise...but he'll give you a lailatul qadar...hehe...

rumah kmk kat sukmaria...first raya jak free...
2nd n third...ngerayo...
n the rest of syawal...work...work...work...

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