It's Not My Problem

Everyone has their own problems.
But the scale of our problems are not the same.
Some of them might be easy to solve.
But for some, its hard.
It's beyond their own capability.
It's beyond their own control.
Solving problems is like solving puzzles. Match a piece by peace will help you to solve the whole puzzle. [source]
However, there are no problems that can't be solve.
Impossible, is not an issue in solving problems.
As long as, we have some helping hands.
As long as, we have someone to watch our backs.

But, for some, they doesn't have this privilege.
They doesn't know a proper channel to complain.
They doesn't know a correct way to get help.
They doesn't know a path to solutions.
That's why, we need to guide them to solving their problems.

But, here is the truth.
People doesn't want to help others in need.
People doesn't want to burden themselves.
People doesn't want to get their hands dirty.
Because, they know, it's not their problem.

Yeah, true. It's not their problem.
They know, even if they tried, it would be hard to solve.
It would be impossible.
So, they would just closed their eyes and shut their ears.
They would just ignore the problems.
They would just become ignorance.
A path to solutions is not always a straight answer. [source]
There is nothing easy in this world.
There is nothing which is simple.
Everything is complicated, if you think it that way.
But, if you think the other way around, I'm sure you could find a way.
I'm sure you could find the path. I'm sure you could see the solutions.

Theoretically, it's easy to help others.
Practically, it's easier said than done.
It might be hard. It might be impossible.
But at least, we could open a path to solutions.
At least, we do something.
Because, believe it or not, something is better than nothing.

syaftome ~ doesn't have many people to share his problem.

6 de' tour comments:

Vivian said...

senang berik kaunseling/bimbingan/nasihat dengan orang aihh...tapi mok berik dgn dirik mpun? or family mpun? oh..susah..

kmk mcm sikda major problem in my life.minor ada! about my weight! huh!

syaftome said...

hmmm...maybe benar pa dpdh ktk ya...
mun ngan org laen...senang nk pdh mcm2...
ngan family, nang susah...
slh cakap ckit...bleh renggang hbgn...

weight problem...
kmk rasa dh ok dh ktk ya...hehe...

Vivian said...

dlm kaunseling pun madah, adalah bias mun kaunseling dgn family pun. kdg2 org luar berik nasihat bruk dgr ckit kali. sama family..sik brapa glak.hehehe

my career kinek adalah helping others wp kmk mpun kdg2 terbeban dgn tggjwb ya. sbb bukan senang memikul tgjwb/perception org yg byk pikir kerja kmk mudah.ada power.everything kmk hanya manusia biasa.

syaftome said...

owh yakah...
dpt blaja benda br dr ktk...hehe...

bgs da jwak kerja ktk ya...
xda kerja yg mudah di dunia tok...
yg penting...ktk dh decide ap career yg dpilih ktk...
so, keep it up...

as for perception...
kita mmg xdpt polah papa pasal ya...

Faizal n Fashitah said...

Mula2 ku mikir lirik lagu ekekekke. Anyway, mena nak dipadah ko. 200% aku stuju.. XD

syaftome said...

thanks though...

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