Have You Seen A Mirror Lately?

It doesn't have to come to this. [source]
The only emotion that I could describe.
Every time I was in this kind of situation.

How do you feel?
If someone keeps on telling you what to do?
If someone tells you to do something that he/she never does?

"You should clear your desk before you go."
"You should clear the machines after you use it."
"You should flush, before you go."
"Wash your own cup","Please, come early, Don't be late", bla, bla, bla, bla...

I believe, some of you might have experienced this kind of situation.
Me too. A lot. And of course, it made me angry. Just inside. But I keep it cool.

"Just shut up!!!", if only I could say that out loud.
But no, I'm not that kind of person. I prefer to take it easy.
Deep inside, I still believe that they could change.

However, at the same time, my heart burst into anger. But, I keeps on smiling. Inside.
"Have you seen a mirror lately?"
"Have you done all those things?"
Do it first, before you say anything, just to annoy others.
Don't just give instructions, unless you have done it.
Reflect on yourself. Know your place. Mind your own business.

Don't forget to try the silent treatment. [source]
The best solution.
I've been into this situation for many times already.
I learned that if you keeps on silence and smiling, your misery won't last long.
In fact, it will annoy the other person.
I know, sometimes, I was wrong, and I could admit it that some other people angry.
But the silent treatment works well too in that kind of situation.

syaftome ~ what do people keeps on telling you?

2 de' tour comments:

Vivian said...

yup..sometimes work well..depend.

syaftome said...

i know that it works for me very well...hehe...

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