Change is Inevitable

I believe, everyone wants to change. [source]
Some would say, "Change is Good".
But some, rather say, "Change is Bad".
The truth is, Change is a Must.
In fact, change is nature.
Change is absolute.
Change is unavoidable.
and Change is Inevitable.

In our whole life, we changes all the time.
We changed for the better or for worst.
Inevitably, we changed physically, emotionally and mentally.

Since we were a baby, we changed. We transformed.
We learned on how to speak.
We learned on how to crawl.
Then, we had learned on how to stand up and walked.
At end of the day, we realized that we could run.
Then, we were getting taller and bigger.
Without realizing it, we grow up.

Emotionally, we grow up through our senses.
We develops sensitivity.
Do you remember when we were kids, everything is filled with happiness.
We have fun all the time. We play all the time.
Everything was perfect, until at one point, we develops emotion.
We becomes much more sensitive.
We tend to get irritated, mistreated, annoyed and sad.
But that is just how it is. Without those things, life will have no meaning. No emotion.

Mentally, through experiences, we learn.
Growing up, means that we tend to make mistakes. In fact, we learn from mistakes.
Sometimes, learning is not all about classes and revisions.
Sometimes, you have to go out there and experience yourself.
See for yourself and experience to the fullest.
Cause, you know, learning and experiencing are two separate matters.

Life is full of changes.
Its beyond our control. Its beyond our capability.
In the path of our lives, we changes all the time. We are constantly changing.
We change to adapt.
We change to conciliate.
We change to improvise.
At the end of the road, we realizes that we changes in order to become better.

Everyone has a darker side. [source]
Some people might say to you that changes ruined things, changes develop double personality.
However, whatever the changes are, the question here is;
"Are you still YOU?"

Foot Note: If you want to change others, change yourself first.

    syaftome ~ there is some part of me that is hard to change.

2 de' tour comments:

Vivian said...

masa seminar marek..ada cerita change is burden. sbb manusia nang liat berubah mun dah dalam keadaan yang stabil. hehehe

syaftome said...

it's so true...
perkara yang paling sukar diubah...
ialah perangai dan tabiat manusia...

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