The Fear Inside Us

A psychological state, an emotional response to a perceived threat.
A threat that may happens or may not happens.
In other words, the fear causes by an uncertain future.
Our heart starts to pump heavily, our blood pressures getting high.
Our body start to produce sweats, flows through our tighten muscles.
Our minds starts to think negatively, thinking about the worse case scenario.
What might happens or what could happen?
We can't avoid forever from facing our own fear. [source]

Everyone has fear. Deep buried into their unsubconcious mind.
Whether they notices it or not.
Without realizing, they knows that they have it.
They tries to cover it up, but they can't.
Because they know, sooner or later, they need to face it. They have to face it.

The funny thing about fear is this.
It's all just a state of mind. It's all there.
Messing with our head, to get us worked up.
We think that we own them, but they just can't be controlled.
Unless your emotionless. Unless you are crazy.
But we as human, can't live without emotions.
Because emotion, made us a person. Made us become normal.

Let It Go.
But, we can't run away from this fear. This mind virus.
We could try to take away the source. The problem, which is the fear.
But it keeps on hanging to our nerve.
Sometimes, people tried to just get it flows. Flows with the time.
Try to forget it. Try to ignore the fact that you have this fear.
But the more you wait, the more it gets messy.
The more it cause troubles. The more you feels the burden of this fear.
In the end, you'll find out that it already becomes a tumor. A cancer.
Causing madness in your own head. Which is hard to cure.
Just wait to goes off. Making you crazy.

The Solution.
Well, before its getting worse
The only choice we have is to kill the virus. Try to overcome the fear.
But admitting the fact that we are scared, is not an easy thing to do.
Just to start, our minds already thinks the worst.
It feels like there is this wall in front of us.
A wall that is so big and thick, which is so hard to break.
By just lifting the hammer, to break this wall, it was just so hard.
But either you want it or not, you have to do it. You have to break the wall.
Just to get the other side. To face the fear.

Getting Tougher.
It doesn't end just like that. Now, we have to face the fear itself.
The threat that causes our fear, in the first place.
Which is much more harder. Much more tougher.
This is the time, where we have to fight, to strengthen ourselves.
The time to embrace the present and the time to let go of the fear of the future.
Communication is Important, don't you think? [source]

Well, yeah, this kind of thing. It might be easier said than done.
But with a helping hand, it might be much more easier.
With people, who you could trust. People that you love.
It might be easier to do it with togetherness. With teamwork.
You know that you don't have to do it alone. So, to do it with someone else.
It might helps. It might ease your pain. It might release the burden on your shoulder.
This might be your fear, but when it comes to others.
They might as well need your help too. To face their own fear.

syaftome ~ my wall is so big and thick. 
A hammer doesn't make a scratch at all, not too mention a crack.

10 de' tour comments:

Vivian said...

jumpa la kaunselor utk fear management..really..fear juz state of mind..

coz i believe..mind control body..the power of mind..

eh..rindu mok belajar pasal ya agik eh..

syaftome said...

aih...ktk kan kaunselor...
so, what do u think...

the mind is so powerful...
n so, we can't control our body...
we can't move...we can't act at all...
n at last, we do nothing...

Vivian said...

belajar utk control minda..

even kmk..kdg2 tkt dgn hantu after watch or read something ..but i'm lucky..a GIFT membuatkan kmk dpt control/switch mind mek ke tmpt lain..even do meditation..i'm easily can control my mind.. when fokus, dah sikda rasa gik bdn2..

gney madah ow..hahaha

syaftome said...

hmmm ~ dhsyat...
kira gifted lah ktk tok nak...
maok kmk blaja skill ya koh...
mcm best jak...

org mcm ktk maybe mesti ada skill ya kali...
coz ktk kaunselor...
mun ktk pun emo jwak...xpat kontrol...
cmnei nk berik kaunsel ngan org...
btol x...hehe...

ztie said...

im fear of being alone in my own house.

Jue said...

takut yg sikpat ku atasi till nek tok
zz tanpa tutup lampu

syaftome said...

ztie: i am fear of being alone too...
no one to one to love...
jue: kmk pun slalu x tutup lampu masa tdo...bukan sebab takut...malas nak tutup jak...hehe...:P

Vivian said...

sikda la gift..sapa2 boleh belajar cara ya..practice make perfect..hehe

aok..cara bgs..perlu pandai muhasabah dirik..pikir skli..nang emo..think twice..kta akn lebih rasional..

"ikut hati mati..ikut rasa binasa bah" heheheh

dpt diblaja semua ya..belaja konsep manusia...

blaja la!! u will know yourself better and will understand why others behaved that way...

selamat belajar!!

Ninie Nordin said...

mcm best jak blaja psikologi. ehehehe. kmk sik takut pa2 pun. yerrr. ;P

syaftome said...

bsi: ok..bagus...
tp belajar psikologi tok...
minda mok kenak kuat...kenak kental...
x bleh mudah emo n terpengaruh...

i took leonard personality test once...
n i'll try to move forward from there...

ninie: mena ndak kah nya x takut...
sak kelak dengar bunyi pelik ckit tgh malam...
lalu carik mak bapak...hahaha...

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