See. It's Simple. Just like that.
Just a few words. That we need to say. Which we need to do.
When we make mistakes. When we does something wrong.
But the truth is, even it is simple. It's hard. And it's difficult.
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Is this going to be enough? [source] |
Apologizing, isn't only about the words.
You've got to put your heart to it.
And you've got to put your mind to it.
You need to say it like you really mean it.
That you're sorry. That you're admitting your mistakes.
Mistakes, that you know, is your fault.
Even though, sometimes, it's not.
However, admitting your mistakes, it isn't easy.
Sometimes, it takes more than that.
It takes courage, and it takes everything you've got.
Which is the hardest part of the job.
You have to admit that what you did was wrong.
Then, you have to realize, that you need to make an apology.
As soon as you do this, everything will be easy for you.
It's true when people says.
"The first part is the hardest.", "The beginning is the most difficult."
Well, to apologize, to start, means we have to overcome our own fear.
The nightmare that keeps on haunting us.
The inability to say "I'm sorry."
Which scares us the most.
Afraid to let our guards down.
Afraid to admit the mistakes we've done.
Well, nobody said it's going to be easy.
Because sometimes, we need to put aside our ego.
Stop pointing fingers to others.
Blaming others for your own mistakes.
Even though, you think its not your fault.
Sometimes, it feels nice to make an apology.
It doesn't matter whose fault it is.
What matters, an apology does make us feel good.
Relieve, and eventually, the conflict will go away.
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It doesn't have to be in this way. But it's romantic. [source] |
You know. An apology is not only about us. Or for us.
It's about the other person too.
The other side of the table.
An apology does comforting people.
Because people like to feel good.
They like to feel respected.
And they like to hear an apology.
It doesn't mean that they like people to get on their knees an apologize.
Seeing their awkward faces, shivering, building up the courage to say the words.
Its just that hearing such a word makes them comfortable.
Because hearing a word "sorry", is not just an apology.
It's more than that. It's more than we could imagine.
syaftome ~ "I'm sorry for not being myself"
9 de' tour comments:
hee..bena ya, susah na juak nak madah "maaf", pandei supan indah..
tapi ngan kawan2 oke jak kmk, tapi ngan parents mek..kelu lidah tidak terkata.hee.mek tauk salah kmk, p malu nak madah sorry depan2..salu nya mek mesej jak parents mek.dari kecik gia..mun ada olah salah, kmk akan tulis surat minta maaf..hee..:)
mena ya...supan n takut nak madah...
kdg2 ngan member pun sama...
dah lamak x bertegur...
ujung2 berbait semula...
molah cam biasa...
tp xda org mintak maaf pun...
hmmm...pakei surat indah...
hahaha... kmk rasa mesti berkesan...hehehe...
kmk la manusia plg plg susah mok mtak maap even kmk nok slh. ya bok ego ohh. tapi ya dolok lah. ehehehe. nek tok dh blaja mtak maap ngn org sik kesah ngn sapa2.
hmmm...baguslah camya...
practice makes perfect...
n akan tiba masanya kelak...
ktk akan tahu...
mintak maaf adalah satu2 nya jwpn kepada mslh ktk...
so, dgn ini...
kmk mintak maaf atas segala silap salah tutur bicara kmk selamak tok...hehe...
yup, berkesan gilak.
parents mek still simpan semua surat2 mek minta maaf ya..hee..bila baca balik, ya rabbi lucu & malunya...
yala ktakan, susah gilak nak madah maaf.sedangkan words ya simple jak..kmk kadang2 mun asa dah bersalah gilak, baru mek jumpa orng ya face2face.mun sik mesej jak..:)
mek pun nak minta maaf juak mun ada molah salah, :p
I'm sorry, is this a poem? It's not? oh i'm sorry, i thought it was. :-)
I hate people texting me to apologize. Sorries are better said in person, or verbally. Nice entry though. Someone mustve offended you deeply to write this insightfully.
hani: hahaha...
its easy and yet its so hard...haha...
mok kmk mintak ngan parents ktk...
surat mintak maaf ya...bleh blaja...
format surat ya...haha...
CG: hahaha...funny...
the truth is...the idea came to me...
when I woke up in the morning...
so I started to write...
but i do experienced this...
many times earlier...hehe...
mun ku rs ku slh, nang ku mintak maaf
tp ku bencik kan ada certain org, pandei mintak maaf tp still doing the same mistake
psst: new blog url ku
tuka url jak, blog still sama hahaha
memang ada bnyk org kedak ya...
kmk pun slalu jumpa org kedak ya...
slagi x dpdh...
slagi ya lah cdak x sedar...
kak tok kmk tukar url ya...
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