Status Is Just Made Of Words

Social Network. It’s not just a trend nowadays.
It's a necessity. It’s a necessary.
To keep in touch of your friends.
To let people know what you're doing.
With regular updates on your status
Life in general or relationship in particular.

And the network that I've been using is
Which I am very fond of.
Not just because of its innovative idea on how we communicate.
But also due to the flexibility of how we do things.
Online. Virtually. In a social network.
Thanks to Mark Zuckerberg. The founder of Facebook.
In fact, last night, I watched Social Network.
A story of how he founded
Mark Zuckerberg. The Youngest Billionaire to date, at the age of 23. [source]

But right now, I'm not going to talk about his life.
Instead, I'm going to talk about profile status.
Where in Facebook, its called Facebook status.
And this issue, also, relates to relationship status.

The status. It's where people write everything.
Their feelings. Their experiences. In fact, all about their lives.
And people are much more "open" nowadays.
They let themselves exposed to the virtual world of globalization.
But there are still some, who hides behind the back of insecurity.
So instead, they post quotations. And they post lyrics.
Which have a hidden meaning. The true meaning.

This is something, which always caused misinterpretations.
This is what made people develops negative perceptions and false accusations.
The reason behind all this; words doesn't have voices.
They don’t have intonations. They don’t have ups and downs.
Thus, it’s all depends on us. It's all up to us.
How do we read those words. How do we "listens" to the true meaning of those words.

And so, sometimes, people read them wrong.
Sometimes, a person misjudges the true intention.
So, like I said, people made judgments.
And they give criticisms.
Instead of finding the truth, they jump into conclusion.
Nothing is easy as it seems. [source]
If people are in relationships, relationship status is very important.
It does reflect on the actual relationship situation.
Even though, I know, there are some who lies about this status.
But for some, who take this thing seriously. It is very important.
There are people out there, who fight over this issue.
Because they take this thing for granted.

As for me, I had experienced all that.
People misjudged my status.
They misinterpreted my words.
Because, this is what happens when people don't read carefully.
When people don't "see" clearly. And don't "listen" attentively.
And when people don't realize, that a Status Is Just Made of Words.

Foot Note:
When we write something, it could be read in many ways. Once again. It's all up to us.

syaftome ~ tried to please everyone, but of course, that's impossible

8 de' tour comments:

ztie said...

kamek dh tgk cta ya. Hurm tp ng benala.. Kdg2 ada jenis org pandang serius status or relationship status ya. Benda2 ya jak ble soh orang bertengkar bila ada misunderstood. For me lah, someething boleh d share with people around us but some..thing.. Are best remains silent.

syaftome said...

cita ya...xlah berapa best glak...
tp nya very informative...hehe...

kmk suka last sentence ya...
n its true...
some secrets are better left alone...heeee...

Anonymous said...

same reason why i deleted my facebook account (not deactive).

there's nothing that frees up my life the day i delete it. I feel lighter.

i don't like my life being keep online for record. google and facebook aren't not so different after all.

and that's why i prefer twitter. its raw.

hani apandi said...

sometimes mek benci ilak fb, salu deactived.p actived balik bila kawan2 kmk cari..

pasal misunderstanding pasal status ya, nang bena.berlaku ngan kmk pun.masa ya kmk teringat la ngan gurauan miak kelas mek tentang "tudung ekin tudung mak cik"..kmk post la words ya, sali nanga.cousin kmk maybe jenis yg nak cepat makan hati.alulah bermasam muka menyindir kmk yg asa kcak kata drinya.huhuhu

so, sekarangs aya lebih berhati2.kadang2 nang sik update pun status..susah ngan orang yang jenis mudah ambik ati lak :P

Faizal n Fashitah said...

Aku suka gik blogging daripada berFB. Boring nyawa berFB huhu..

syaftome said...

pali: well...people do have difference in preferences...

hani: biar apa org nak kat apa sekalipun...yg penting...kita tauk apa benda yg kt tulis ya...

FnF: aku suka duak2...

Jue said...

suka ku cita ya sbb nay based on true story
nang di sblk setiap kejayaan someone, mesti ada story behind =)

syaftome said...

yep...thats very true...
i read a few stories of successful people...
they were struggling to achieve what they have today...

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