Everything Needs Money

BUT, Money Isn't Everything.
If there are people out there who thought money is an ultimate solution. To every problem and challenges. They’re absolutely wrong and they're absolutely knows nothing about life. Because, the more we try to admit that money is everything, the more we finds that everything can't be solve with money.

However, we can't deny that money is not solution. It's one of the solutions. Its one of the option because there are times, where money is very useful. And at other times, the solution seems so promising with the aid of money, but the truth is, it doesn't last long. Money is just an immediate alternative to incurable diseases, when hopes and faith are the only things that are left.
There is No True Happiness with a pile of money. [source]
So, why Money Isn't Everything;
1. Money can't buy true love.
While there are people who have lots of money, they could buy anything for their loved ones. Gives them gifts and presents. Spoiled them unnecessarily. But, no matter how much we spend to express our affectionate to others through expensive objects and materials, we can't expect the same from them. Because love does not function that way. Love and relationship develops when people trust each other. Spend time together. When there is a sense of belonging. Unless we have these criteria, money means nothing.

2. Money can't buy sweet memories.
Money absolutely cannot buy the past. Those priceless sweet memories are...well...priceless. There is no way that we can relive the past and live through them once again. For some, they could design a time machine to go back to the past, but for sure, it won't be the same. Because no matter how hard we try to keep things as it is, as the time goes, people change. And things change.

3. Money can't buy precious time.
Everyone is provided with 24 hours a day. No one gets 25 or 23 which is very unfair. But, what’s important is how we use them. Wisely. The time that passes; we can't get it back. And as the time goes, our time is actually running out. How many years we have? Months? Days? Hours? These values are mysteries. But as we move forward, one thing is definite, we're leading towards death. And no matter how much money we have in our bank accounts, death is certain.

No matter how hard we tried, we could never open a portal to the past.
4. Money can't buy an eternal life.
Even more drastic move is from those who want to buy an eternal life. These people would do anything so that they could defy the nature. The way nature works. They would try everything. They would make clones, which part of them could be use to replace organs that fail. Or perhaps, they would try to embed their souls and intelligence into their descendants. Who knows? But one thing assured, no one can live an eternal life.

5. Money can't buy the afterlife.
Everyone is going to die. Sooner or later. We'll see the afterlife; and there, we'll have two options. Heaven and Hell. If we're lucky, we'll go to Heaven. On the other end, we'll be put into Hell, forcefully. And of course, no one wants to go there. Thus, in order to go to Heaven, it requires hard work and persistence. Doing good, under no influence of evil. And money, in this case, is out of the question. However, money could help us to do any good. Donation, charity. All these, for sure, will contribute to something. Gives some weight onto our scales of goodness.
The afterlife is a choice. So, where do you want to go? [source]
syaftome ~ when there is beginning, there is always an ending

5 de' tour comments:

Faizal n Fashitah said...

yuppp agree with u 150% XD

hani apandi said...

setuju sangat2 :)

setuju 200%, yerr sik molah klh ngan FnF.hehe.

ztie said...

where comes money, trouble will follow :) keh3... Bena kata ktk.. Money is not everything but everything needs money. Sekda duit susah.. Berduit gilak pun susah nak ow..

P/s sine tmpt burger d pdh ktk yg baru sigek gk ya bah

Vivian said...

mun sikda duit..susah juak hdp.mun dh byk duit..susah juak.. bersederhana jak lah...

syaftome said...

ztie: money is a double edge sword...
that should describe it...heee...

nama cgek gik beger ya namanya oblong burger...kat heritage kitchen...dekat ngan taman longseng...
mun dr kuching nak ke bulatan abang kipali...seblom stesen minyak shell n petronas...

BSI: sederhana lebih bagus...
bukan dlm hal kewangan jak...
dlm perhubungan jwak...hehehe...

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