Sarawak ~ The True Flag

Sarawak (pronounced /səˈrɑːwɑːk/) is one of two Malaysian states on the island of Borneo. Known as Bumi Kenyalang ("Land of the Hornbills"), it is situated on the north-west of the island. It is the largest state in Malaysia; the second largest, Sabah, lies to the northeast. Both of them are located to the east of Malaysia, where they shares the island with Kalimantan, a part of Indonesia.

With its 11 divisions, Sarawak comprises about 27 ethnic groups, where we all live together happily and peacefully. But today, I'm not going to talk about our ethnic groups but rather on the subject of our state flag.

A national flag is a flag that symbolizes a country. The flag is flown by the government, but usually can be flown by citizens of that country as well. Well, this is also true for a state flag, where it reflects the government of the state.
Picture A: Sarawak Old Flag

However, for Sarawak, it is quite confusing when you tried to Google the image of Sarawak Flag. From there, you could see that they are various kind of flags, but people already know that Sarawak's flag has three colors(black, red and yellow) and a star in the middle. But do u know, which one is CORRECT?

Picture B: Sarawak New Flag
People always confused whether the star is supposed to be like in Picture A or Picture B, but the correct Sarawak's Flag is like in Picture B.

What's the difference? The difference is so small and yet it is so important to point out here. The star have 9 vertices (which reflects Sarawak's 9 old divisions) but one of them must point up between the two colors(black and red) just like in Picture B.

So, hopefully this will clear confusion about my state flag, which is Sarawak Flag.

"Agik Idup Agik Ngelaban", As Long As I Live, I Will Try to Give.

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